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my strange strange STRANGE and fat cat


My cat, that we rescued from a shelter about a year and a half ago, is VERY strange. He has gained approximately 20 lbs (not even joking) and eats ALL the time. He also has some very strange habbits like liking my hand as if he were a dog, randomly attacking things, and of all the things that has shocked my husband and I the most is, getting in to the fridge and laying in there and eating...(needless to say we put baby locks on our fridge and other cabniets we don't want him in.) We play and love on him all the time and he has so many scratching posts, cat toys, strings etc...and all he wants to do is play with random objects not meant for playing. We've tried using a squirt gun, we've tried tapping his but and his nose (which most of the time he taps us back). I've read that alot of times cats "get in to trouble" because they feel alone or are bored, but we play with him ALOT. plus he has a brother cat and a brother dog. How can i get my cat to act "normal"

HI Kristi,

It sounds like your cat could have a thyroid or other endocrine disorder, the first thing I suggest is taking him to the vet for a full blood test including thyroid and adrenal panels. Aggression can be a sign of endocrine problems as well as appetite and weight problems. Thyroid disorders are easily treated.

Also you need to get your cat on a safe weight loss plan. He can't eat all the time if you don't give him food all the time (and you said you have locks on cupboards). Losing weight too fast can be dangerous, but you do need to get him to lose weight by feeding him a high protein, low carbohydrate diet. THat means NO dry food, only a grain-free canned food. Please read the following article by a vet who has rehabbed some very fat cats:

Good luck!