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Just Curious


Hello Kelly

I have a 6 month old kitten. We recently bought her a new blanket to sleep on. She sleeps on her blanky on my bed every night. Recently she started dragging the blanket around the house behind her. She leaves it in random places, like the kitchen or behind the couch. She does not lay on the blanket but just leaves it there. If I put the blanket back during the day she pulls it off but when I go to bed I put the blanket back and she curls up on it and goes to sleep. It does not happen everyday but will happen for a period of time. e.g 2 days then not for another week. Does this mean she loves her blanket or is trying to get rid of it?

Hello Kim,

This sounds interesting, a slightly hard one to answer, and very cute actually!

Is she any particular breed?

I think she likes her blanket. I think the blanket gives her a sense of security and the feeling of an experience she likes, for example, it smells of herself and you, and she very much likes to sleep on your warm bed at night with you also. i also think there is a possibility of a little game playing also, she will take the blanket off the bed, you will find it and take it back, then she will 'discover it' and move it again!

This behaviour is nothing to worry about, it is actually quite appeasing, I would just let her continue with this until one day she decides to stop doing it.

I do hope this has helped you a little. If this behaviour changes at all into anything inappropriate then please feel free to contact me again.

I hope this has helped you a little.

Thank you
