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My car is peeing on things left on the floor


Hi Im really hoping you can help me.  I really want to keep my cay but my fiance wont put up with him peeing on everything.  I took him to the vet about 4-6 months ago and they confirmed he has/had crystals.  That seemed to get better.  I believe he may have a behavioral problem too.  If anything is left on the floor, he pees on it. Please help!!


The fact that your cat has a history of crystals in his urinary tract means that the inappropriate elimination is probably the result of  crystals or even a bladder infection. The longer that this goes untreated the harder it will be to fix, so the sooner that you can get him to the vet the better for all involved. If there are no crystals or infection found when his urine is tested then I am guessing that the painful crystals were allowed to sit for long enough that your kitty has what is called "litter box avoidance". What litter box avoidance means is that your cat had the pain of stones and the difficulty passing urine for long enough that he made the connection of "If I go pee in the litter box it hurts me" which can take some time, patience and drugs that your vet can talk more with you about. For the time being make sure that you keep everything off of the floor or behind a closet/closed door. Clean any area that he has had an accident in with an enzymatic cleaner. You can purchase enzymatic cleaners at most pet/janitorial supply stores, and how they help to solve the peeing outside the box issue is that they completely remove the smell by using friendly bacteria to eat the components of body fluids that cause them to smell. Your other option if your kitty's accident area is tile is to use a 5 parts water to 1 part bleach solution and that will also eliminate the odors and sanitise the surfaces. I think that it is a little premature to say that your kitty can't be helped to stop peeing outside the box. Talk to your vet about the best drugs and approaches to help your kitty get reconditioned that the box isn't what is causing his pain. You may have to change litter and litter box types, and your kitty may have to be put on a special prescription food to stop recurrances from happening but it is worth it if you, fiance, and kitty can live happily ever after. I hope that this information helps. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me again.