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Fat Cat



Baxter & Smokey Bear
I have two cats, Baxter and Smokey Bear. They will be 8 in January and are very fat. They are large in size for their breed (Tuxedo cat) but they are also fat for it. Smokey is about 15 pounds and so is his brother if not more. I have cut back drastically on their food intake (I used to free feed) and they play with eachother a lot as well as the dog so they are getting plenty of excersize. Another thing is that they wont stop meowing. They meow day and night. The only time they wont meow is when I reach down and touch them, then they purr. It doesnt matter how little or how much I pet them, they wont be quiet.

Hi Robyn,

Try changing the type of food they are eating. Change them over to a low or no grain food. This usually helps. Examples of this are EVO, Wellness, Nature's Variety. This type of food gives them what they need nutritionally and isn't full of the crap that puts weight on them. You will be feeding them less because they are getting more in their food. Follow the directions on the food to make the changeover and on how much to feed them.

The meowing is going to take a little bit on your part to stop them. They have you trained. In their world they associate the meowing with you petting them. They meow - you pet. You need to break them of this cycle. You have to ignore them when they meow and pet them when they don't. It will take time but eventually they will be quiet. Then if they meow it will be for a reason. Good luck.(By the way, nice looking cats)

Ciao, Karen