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another question


QUESTION: I am not sure how long the cat has been pregnant. this is her second time though. The last time she had kittens only one lived.. I would like to know if there are any signs to look for. The kittens have not moved noticeably in a few weeks..

ANSWER: Hi Jordan, if the cat is not having the kittens ... then she is not having a miscarriage. If the kittens are not moving noticeably then that is not too much of a concern and normally means that she is either having a small litter... or the kittens are getting into position to be born. As long as they are moving at all is a good sign ! when is she is due? If you let me know then I can tell you more. thanks, Teresa

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QUESTION: We are not sure when she is due because my sister is not sure when she got pregnant exactly, so she may be due soon but I'm not really sure.. but what I meant by them not moving noticeably was that you can't see or feel them moving at all. sometime I just sit with my hand on her stomache and I can't feel anything at all. I do not know if they should be moving. I just know I haven.t felt anything in about 3 weeks, at all. She doesn't seem to be getting any bigger either. If the kittens were already dead would she have them now or when she is due? Also, I read that some cats have to have them removed. Would she be in pain if the kittens were already dead?

ANSWER: Hi Jordan, thanks for the extra information. If you are not feeling movement then this is not a good sign. You should almost always feel some movement. Even when the kittens are sleeping they will be kicking each other and rolling around a bit. So, this does not sound good. If the kittens are dead the mom may deliver them.. but they don't always do that and sometimes you need veterinary intervention. If the kittens are dead in her she may not be in pain at first but then later as infection develops from the dead kittens your cat will get very very ill and you may lose her. I would recommend you get a vet to look at her as soon as possible. Teresa

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QUESTION: Yes it's me again. I have another question for you. I have been sick for a few days and I had blood drawn to test for Mono, "the kissing disease". I was just wondering if that is what I have, do you know if my cat can get it. We have done research and can find any good information. Thank you for your time. I hope to here back from you. P.S. My sister still thinks her pregnant cat is going to deliver fine, so you will here back from me about that too.

Hi Jordan, I am sorry to hear you are sick. Cats cannot get mono and you cannot get mono from cats... so not to worry. If your sisters' cat has not delivered yet then maybe she is fine...maybe she was just not that far along when you wrote me. Are you able to feel lots of movement now?? She should be getting pretty huge by now also... Teresa