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Meowing Monsters


My housemates and I recently moved, which I know is very stressful for the gatos but now they're acting very weird. Unfortunately this is their second move in one year, I mention this because they handled the last move just fine. They hid behind boxes for a day then used them as elevated attacking devices. This time is very different. From the moment I let them out of their cat carries they sulked around and began wailing. At first it was heart wrenching and i tried to comfort one while my partner comforted the other. They did not want our comforting pets. Now they've become meowing monsters, not letting any of us sleep. They are fixed, they have food-water and new kitty litter, they have complete access to my bedroom and i constantly talk to them. Are they doing this because they hate me? How can i help them?  


You did not mention their ages!!!!!

Anyway, they have had their world turned upside down twice in, what appears to be, relatively short order.

I would just give them time to adjust to this second traumatic event.  Cats are very territorial and they have been disrupted a second time, so they are probably a bit unsure of things.

My advise is to completely ignore them!  Make pretend they do not exist.  Let them decide in their own time that the new digs are OK, that each other are OK and that you and your roommate are OK.  With some patience and perseverance, they should come around.  It may take a few days or a couple of weeks, but they should adjust.  It will probably take less time for the meowing to stop.

Please let me know how it goes.

Best regards... Norm.