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maine coon tabby mix weight 22.6


Hi, I have noticed my cat Mr. Whiskers is getting a clear discharge coming from his eyes like he is crying his left eye is more prominent then the right. Do you have any idea as to what it is and how i can treat it? his eyes are clear and other then being a lil over weight hes very healthy.

Hi Amber,

I couldn't say for sure what the discharge is, as there can be several causes.  But if it's a sudden change for Mr. Whiskers, it's likely that he's coming down with conjunctivitis, or "pink-eye".  This is the time of year for it.  Many kitties will get the sniffles along with it, as the two symptoms are caused by a virus, typically feline herpes.  Your best bet is definitely to have a vet look at him to determine for certain the cause of his eye discharge.  If it's infectious, he'll need an eye ointment, and maybe an oral antibiotic.

Some cats can get weepy eyes when the heat gets turned on, especially if it's forced air or if a fire place is used.  Allergens can be worse for some kitties this time of year, as well.  But the most common reason for sudden eye discharge is infection.

If getting him to a vet right now is not possible, and he develops no other symptoms, you can use an antibiotic eye ointment called Terramycin to treat and protect his eyes.  This is available through many websites such as, and  You would need to pull down his lower lid, creating a small pouch, and place a 1/4" strip of the ointment into the pouch in each eye three times a day, usually for 10 days.  But if he develops any other symptoms or his eyes don't get any better, I would consult a vet immediately.  This ointment is good for minor infections and irritation.

Good luck!
