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Kittens right before moving


My cat just had kittens, which is great, unfortunately my fiance and I are in the process of moving. She is a indoor/outdoor cat but she had her kittens out in a shed and when we move we'll be right on a busy highway so she probably wont be outside at all anymore. I don't think this would have been a problem as she prefers to be inside but will this be a problem moving both her and the kitten indoors, and what type of area do you think would be a good place to put the kittens?

Hi Christine, well the best thing to do would be to move mom and cats first and put her in a spare bedroom, bathroom or even a closet and close the door so she cannot get out in all the confusion when you are moving. Have her litter box, food and water with her and try to bring some bedding or linens that smell like the old house with you to help settle her. If you start moving and she is at the old house she will most likely pack up her babies and move them somewhere that you cannot find her. If you move her to the new house and leave doors open she will do the same thing. So, put her somewhere quiet where she will not be bothered until everything is finished and then open the door assuring that all the doors and windows to your new house are closed otherwise she will bolt and be gone.