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cat urinate everywhere


ever since we changed our living room (new floor, new furniture) our cat started to behave differently. he used to go in the garden but then he started to urinate in the kitchen sink, on towels and even on newspapers. we first thought it would change back to normal when hes adjusted to the changes around the house but it never did, instead it keeps getting worse, now he keeps finding new places to go to, on the furniture and on the floor.
have you any idea what's wrong, and do you know how to solve this ?

yes this a common problem. Your home smells different to him, not like his home. So he is trying to make it smell more like him. This is used by cats all the time to 1 mark their territory but also to help make themselves feel calmer and more relaxed in their home.

The problem should subside as the new smell disappears but there a few things you could try.

you could try rubbing your cat with a clean towels and then rub the towels all over your new furniture, door frames etc. This will transfer his smell.

You could also give him a period of litter training .

I have a page about this here


Also you will need to make sure that you have got rid of every last spot of his urine in the house. if not this will encourage him to use that place again. A black light is good for finding any stray spots. See this page for more on this


best wishes Kate