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Incessant Meowing Over Vocalization


Hello, Norman.  I have a question regarding over vocalization.  We have a two cats, one of which meows endlessly.  He has a predictable schedule, PLENTY of companionship (other cat, my wife, three loving boys, and myself).  Our theories include dementia (although he is a year old) and the need to explore the great outdoors (he often will be line for the door, although he is an indoor cat).  Your thoughts?  Thanks in advance.


Assuming that there are no medical issues with your one year old, you may just have to grin and bear his meowing. Certain breeds, like Siamese and Burmese talk all the time.  This trait is often passed down for many, many generations even if the patterns are long gone.  I have never found any way to stop a cat that wants to "talk" from talking.

Best regards... Norm.