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Joys Odd Tail Action



I have a general query about my female cat - Joy, when rubbing around people's legs she wags her tail in a way that male cats would if they were about to spray.

It's a bit strange and just wondered if this was unique to her? (She's definitely a girl!)

Thank you for your assistance.  

No this is not unusual for female cats to do as well as male cats.

I only saw it recently myself, a female cat came into my home and sprayed the wall to mark the territory.

of course they do not do it as much as males and it does not smell as much as un neutered toms urine. But when they feel the need, female cats will spray to mark territory.

So watch out for your legs, they could be on her list of things that belong to her :)

best wishes Kate
- cat health, cat care and a lots more besides.