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swollen nipples.


 Hi norman, my cat had 6 kittens, a little over 2 months ago. The kittens have all been placed, last one left a week ago.  My question is, her nipples, especially the back 2 seem really swollen to me.  They also seem warm to the touch.  Shouldn't her milk be dried up by now?  Her appetite is good and there seems to be nothing else wrong with her.  Is this normal?  Thank You


It takes a few weeks for the milk to dissipate.  After the last kitten is gone, the milk should begin to "bag up", i.e. get hard, within a week or two. In time, this will all get absorbed.

If the nipples are warm to the touch and beginning to turn color, that may be a sign of mastitis.  I would take her to your vet to be certain all is well.

Best regards... Norm.