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About purebreds ...

20 16:46:40

Dear Ms. Tanner ... Quite some while ago I found an advertisement photo in a magazine. If I remember correctly, it was for some pet food product. The picture was of a sleek tan cat backed up by a very
ethereal sketch of a Puma. The 'Pussy Cat' looked like a small replica of the Mountain Cat. I was so taken by the picture, it now hangs in my kitchen and I thrill to the photo each time I look at it. I'm hoping that you might know what breed I'm referring to ... I've searched the net for photos and information on Breeds of cat and have never come close. Thanks for any suggestions you might make.  

Well, the breed that is supposed to carry the greatest resemblance to a puma or cougar is the Abyssinian. Look at pictures of Abys in the Breeds section of the CFA website ( and see if that could be what you are looking for. If not, I'd need more information to help you.
