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my newly adopted ( one week ago)3 month old female kitten has a cold


Karen hello and thank you so much for this service! I have a newly adopted ( one week ago)3 month old female kitten who has been spayed( there is some swelling around the stitches no discharge.) Lucia is her name.She has been sneezing a lot the past two days and one eye sometimes waters nothing excessive.she is an antibiotics from the shelter for the past week. Should i be alarmed and is there anything i should be doing extra for her.( the shelter said she might get a cold.)
again thank you for you time and knowledge.

Hi Mary,

Did you ask the shelter why she might get a cold? That doesn't sound right to me unless they know she was exposed to something. Keep an eye on her. Why was she put on antibiotics? Again I would question the shelter. If she worsens take her to a vet to be rechecked. Also find out what vaccinations the shelter gave her. In the meantime, keep her warm. Limit her area to wander in, ( maybe just keep her in the bedroom only). And make sure she has plenty of water. That's about all you need to do for now. Hopefully all will be okay. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen