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Hungry cat all the time


My stray cat/kitten who walked into our house October 31, 2005 and stayed. She got pregnaut on first heat. Had 6 kittens 04/01/06. For the last 3 weeks all she wants to do is eat. We feed her morning, evening sometimes in between so she will stop crying. She sometimes still nurses her kittens. They eat dry/wet food since 2 weeks ago.
She does go in/out since 3 weeks ago.
We feed her dry/wet food. During night she opens the can where her dry food is and if she can she will eat through wrap paper for her wet food.
Why is this cat so hungry?  


This cat is still nursing her kittens.  The older they get, the more they demand until they are fully weaned. Eventually, most females wean their kittens (usually by eight weeks), at which point she will not be so hungry.

It is also very possible, since she goes in and out, she is, again pregnant, which would also explain some of her being hungry.

On the other hand, some cats will eat anything you give them to eat or any thing they can forage for themselves, even if they are not really hungry.  Your cat has figured out that if she stands there and cries, you will feed her, so she manipulates you into feeding her.  This is just in the cat's nature.

If the cat is not pregnant, then, if the cat is losing weight, she is not getting enough to eat.  If she is gaining weight, she is getting too much to eat.  This is a much better gauge of whther or not she needs to eat as opposed to the cat's crying. But I would keep an eye on her, in case she is, again, pregnant.  Nursing mom's will often come into a "lactation" heat when the kittens are about 4 to 6 weeks old!!!!!

Also, I would get her spayed.  Both you and she will be much happier if she is no longer so hormonal and coming into season and producing kittens.

Best regards... Norm.