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Saggy tummy on male cat


Hi! My 8 mo. old male cat who has been fixed has a saggy tummy that sways from side to side when he runs.  It looks like loose skin hanging.  He is not overweight or was overweight.  I have heard reasons from spaying to loose skin after being overweight (except he was not overweight).  My vet is requesting to see him but I do not think anything is wrong with him.  I also have heard it can just be genetics.  Do you know what could cause this?  I have seen and heard of many cats with this saggy tummy.  Thanks so much!


I think that in order to rule out more serious things than a small collection of fat due to neutering your cat it would be best to seek a veterinary opinion. I think it's a little odd for the cat to have that pouch of fat develop so quickly after being neutered - I am assuming that you had this kitty fixed around 5-6 months of age. If this kitty wasn't/isn't overweight I would be concerned that he could be retaining water for one reason or another or even that he's developed a swollen abdomen for any number of other reasons. You can take the chance that it's nothing, but if your vet is concerned I am in no position to contradict that so my answer is essentially that you should follow the recommendations of your vet, s/he is more qualified to make medical recommendations than I am, after all I am not a veterinarian.