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Ferel cat


QUESTION: Do ferel cats start breeding while still nursing kittens?

ANSWER: Hi Mary,

No they can't. But they can as soon as they stop nursing. That is why some toms will try to kill a litter. They want the female to go into heat. That may be why you seem to see feral cats going into heat pretty darn fast. I hope this helped you. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Is there anyway to discourage the toms and encourage the mother and her babies?I have fed her through last winter until now. She's brought her 3 kittens several times. She trusts me now but the babies are scared of me.(and everything)I'd like to get her spade and the kittens shots etc.I'm afraid a tom will catch her first.There are 2 that hang around her now.I'd have to catch her and the kittens as well or they won't make it on their own.Help?

Hi Mary,

You can try what I do. I take a plastic tote and cut a hole in the side of it. I place food and water in it and place it near the front door. The mom and the kittens get used to the goings in and out of the house. They will wait for you to put food in the tote. You should be able to catch them by closing the opening when they are inside eating. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen