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birthing queen ASAP


hi i'm hoping someone gets this. as i type my cat (whom i thought was at least a week or two away from birthing, just started going into labor on my bed. i moved her to the box, and i see the sack of one coming out. this is my first time doing this, and any suggestions would be very helpful! Thanks


By the time I am getting to this to answer your question, the birthing should be done.

When she is finished, I would get the mama to the vet to get an oxytocin shot to help clean her out and shrink the uterus.  Oxytocin also helps in milk production.

I am assuming there was one placenta for each kitten?

Of course if things went wrong, you immediately took the queen to the vet for help!

Please let me know how things went and feel free to ask follow ons questions.

Best regards... Norm.