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choosing two cats


is it better to get two sister cats, two male cats or one each

Hi Linda,

Your best bet is to get two siblings, whether they be male or female--once they've been spayed and neutered it doesn't really matter.  But siblings who have been raised together are going to be happier and much more likely to cuddle up and sleep together, and let's face it, that's adorable!  If you have a choice within a litter I would get one female and one male, especially if those are your only cats, because you get the extra friendliness of the male and the intelligence of the female (that wasn't too smart-alecky, was it?).  I always think the females are more interesting but they make you work for their love.  It really doesn't matter if you get two males or two females or one of each, even if they're not siblings cats of similar ages should learn to get along with each other just fine without any jealousy or territory issues.