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kitten births and premies


my cat gave birth to just one kitten and the kitten looked small and died but she hasnt given birth to the other kittens yet and we dont feel movement from the kittens.  could she of had the kitten premature cause she wasnt leaking milk and i read that she would leak milk before she was due to give birth.  how can i tell if the babies are still alive and if the kitten she had two days ago was a premie

Hi Dawn, thank you for the question. If you are not feeling movement in your cat it is quite probable that she only had the one kitten in her and that she will be fine. Your best indicator is her behavior. Is she calm and happy and eating.. OR is she pacing, restless and not eating properly? If she is the latter I would certainly recommend a vet visit to check her out. If you still have the kitten you can weigh it and that might give you an idea whether it was a preemie. Also did it have all it's hair ?? These are indicators of a preemie kitten. Most likely it was a full term kitten that was just weak or had a long delivery and died before it was born.... Teresa