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My persian cat after labour


Dear Norman,
Im so glad to tell you that my persian cat who was 68 days pregnant finally gave birth to 6 beautiful kittens. Unfortunately I was unaware until the third one came.So now Im left with four kittens. I have a few questions that I hope you could help me out with,
1. My Persian is still having some bleeding after 12 hours since she gave birth, is this normal?
2. One of my kitten kept meowing although shes been fed when the others are just quiet, is that a sign of anything?
3. Can I keep my Persian cat and her litter in an air-conditioned room?
4. When can I bath my queen after shes delivered?
5. My persian is still panting after giving birth, Im worried if she in pain, why is this happening?
Please reply to me soon, I hope you could share with me the thoughts you know. Thankyou.


1.  Yes, some hemmorhaging is to be expected up to 3 days after giving birth.  Did you take her to the vet and get her an Oxytocin shot? A long acting Penicillin G shot?

2.  I would keep an eye on that kitten.  Just beacuse they appear to be nursing, does not mean they are nursing.  Also, I would weigh the kittens everyday to make sure they are gaining weight.

3.  Yes, BUT, it is important during the first couple of weeks that the kittens are in a draft free place.  For the first couple of weeks, kittens cannot regulate their own body temperature, so they use mama's body heat.  If I were to move them to an air conditioned room, I would put the air conditioning on low so that it is not too cold in that room.  Moving them could be problematic because if the queen does not like where you move her and the kittens, she will want to move them somewhere else!

4.  I would wait until the kittens are a bit older and she is settled down with them. I would give it a couple of weeks.  She should be able to clean herself pretty well from the birth and, of course, you have given her new clean bedding after birth!

5.  She is probably a bit hot.  I do not know where you live and how cool your house normally is.  If she were in pain, she would not be taking care of the kittens very well.

Best regards... Norm.