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recently neutered runaway cat


I recently had a stray cat neutered that was sleeping on my porch, noticed he had on an extremely tight collar on.  While feeding he could barely swallow, very scared, wouldn't let me come near him.  I trapped him and had him neutered, brought him back to my house and let him go.  He stayed and made his place on my porch.  Other male cats started hanging around and chased him away.  He came back once, but when another male cat came, he's gone again.  I stopped leaving food out, because it's attracting male cats that are apparently more aggressive, and my sweet "Max" has been gone over 2 wks. now.  This is the longest.  I have walked around calling him, (he would come and "meow" before, now he no where to be found.  I'm worried and upset.  Do you think he will come home, what should I do.  I'm afraid to leave food out as it attracts unwanted cats and I think thats why he left in the first place.  Please let me know what you think.  I'm heartbroken.  He even started letting me pet him while he ate, he was so scared.  I know he started trusting me, but now he's gone.  I keep looking out on my porch hoping he'll be there like he did before, but he's gone.  

Hi Yvonne and bless you for helping out a needy one!

I would still put dry food and lots of water out to make sure those wandering in can make it through the upcoming hot summer -they must have water at least.  

Since you have trapped Max once, he's not likely to go back into your trap for a while, but having the trap outside (but not near the food) may help scare a few of the others wandering by to eat.

Do you have any local TNR groups that you know of?  These groups have funding to help folks like you and me spaying and neutering our countries "strays".  This way everyone could be helped - the other males by getting neutered and Max having his safety back to come onto your porch!

Do you think he could have wandered back to whomever had the too tight collar on?  Or they found him and took him back in?

Please let me know if I can help find any TNR groups to help you but also, keep the food and water out!  Max may be coming to eat at a different time since cats do share the same kitty paths to get to and from a feeding station and they are very good at taking "turns".  If you watch up one night, you may see Max coming just at a different time to avoid the others.

Thank you again!
