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how far apart kittens can be born


QUESTION: hi - my 2 yr old cat started to have her kittens yesterday at 2:30. 2nd was born about 45minutes later. It seemed like I could still feel 1 or more but nothing....then overnight she had another at some point. I then notice she had one that was partially born and had died. Is is possible she still has more that can be born healthy? Should I do anything else to help her?
thanks for any help you can give.
ANSWER: Hi Lisa, Thank you for your questions. What do you mean by "partially born". Has your cat delivered 4 kittens altogether?
Is she settled and nursing the babies she has now or is she restless? Can you write me back and then I can answer your question better. Thanks, Teresa

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Yes, sorry to be unclear. She's had four altogether...the last one was born tail first and stuck at the head. By the time I found it, my cat had chewed through the umbilical cord but seemed unable to deliver the head so I helped her. The kitten was already dead at that point. She's nursing the other 3 and seems very content (purring and such) but I'm still not convinced she's done.
thanks again~

hi Lisa, well the purring and content part sounds good. If she is settled in the nest box with the babies and is nursing them and not fidgeting too much she is probably done. Of course I could never guarantee that. Usually if there is a kitten, or even an afterbirth left inside, the mom will be very restless and will not want to spend too much time with the kittens. She will not eat and eventually you may or may not see a cloudy discharge and she will need vet attention immediately or you could lose her. Since the afterbirth had some with the last kitten you can rule out the possibility of a retained afterbirth. You cannot rule out the possibility of a retained kitten. You can try feeling her abdomen but this is not easy as her uterus is very swollen and she is tender so unless you really know what you are doing you may think there is a kitten there.. and there really is nothing. If it has been 6 hrs or more since her last kitten and she is nursing well... I would expect she is fine. "Things more often go right that things go wrong"  If you are still concerned then a vet check is the only way to know for sure.