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Sick Kitty
A stray cat appeared at my door, hungry and filthy. She has an opening on her belly about the size of a nickel. There is a large sac surrounding it that is draining from the hole very little. I am the owner of five stray animals and I can't afford to take her to the vet. I am giving her antibiotics that I purchased at the vet supply store and an antiseptic spray. At first she wouldn't eat. Now she is at least doing that. It has been 2 weeks and that hole is not closing. Any suggestions on what to give her?


As a pet parent it's important for us to always act in the best interests of the animals under our care. This situation is appalling as far as I'm concerned, I understand your desire to help this cat, however I really don't agree with how you've gone about it. This kitty has a very serious wound that requires the assistance of a veterinarian and possibly surgery to close, a wound like this should not be allowed to heal on its own without medical supervision. Ultimately if you're unable to afford veterinary care for this cat and you're feeling overwhelmed with the care that must be provided to your 5 cats it's not fair to keep this cat. Self medicating with antibiotics and antiseptic spray is fine for minor wounds, this is NOT a minor wound and I'm somewhat concerned that the cat might be at risk of developing antibiotic resistant infections that could potentially migrate into her abdomen which would cause her to die a slow, painful death as she got sicker and sicker over a period of days. My recommendation at this point would be to either somehow get financial arrangements made to get this kitty properly treated by a licensed vet immediately or surrender this cat to the shelter. Regardless of what you choose to do it's important to be honest with the vet or caregivers at the shelter and let them know that you've been trying to treat these issues on your own, make sure that you let them know which antibiotics you've used, what doses, etc. I think that it's important for you to understand that there's a number of very good reasons that veterinarians need to treat serious injuries or medical issues, in this case the antibiotic may not be the right one for the type of bacteria causing the wound to be infected, the doses may not be right and overall this is a case that will probably require extensive surgery to properly repair this kitty's belly. I understand that you want to help this cat and sometimes the best way to help an animal is to admit that you're unable to provide them with the care that they need in order to thrive and be as healthy and happy as possible.