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Puss & Tigga


Dear Karen,
We adopted a kitten two months ago that was 10 weeks old when we got him - Tigga. The old cat, Puss (original I know) is about 13 years (he adopted us!) They have their own bowls, sleeping areas and it's a large house but Puss still lets us know he is not happy with the new addition.

At times he seems to weaken but we are missing some of his antics as often he will go outside and be by himself, hissing as Tigga goes past or give the occasional swat. Puss even hisses (I know he's swearing at me) at us at times.

We give Puss cuddles when he lets us and we're using encouraging language. Will he get over it??

Thank you.


Hi Wendy,

Congratulations on your new addition. Usually when there's a new addition in the household it does take time for the older cat get used to the new one. You are doing the right things to make it easier. The biggest plus is that the cat you got was only 10 weeks old. It makes it easier for cats to meld that way. Part of your older cat's attitude is because of the age of the little one. But that is a good thing. The older is just letting the little one that he has a ways to go to be top cat.
When you get the little one fixed all will be right in your house and both will be buddy-buddy. I have 13 cats and whenever we brought a new one home there was a period of the pride shifting to make room. And when things shift they make noise. Good luck and let me know how things go or if there are any different changes in the older's attitude.

Ciao, Karen