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My cat is always in the litter box


Recently I have noticed that my cat is more frequently using her litter box.
She may go in it 5 times in about 30 mintues. Each time she would squat and
sometimes urinate just a tiny bit or not at all. I took her to the vet and he
thought she had a urinary tract infection and gave her an antibiotic shot. The
vet also checked for blockages but didn't feel anything.Two weeks later not
much has change. She is able to go to the bathroom (both #1, and #2) but
seems like she only goes a little bit at a time quite often. It seems like she is
almost obssessed with using her litter box. What could cause this strange
behavior in my cat?


Obviously the urinary tract infection hasn't been completely cleared up, your cat may require a stay in hospital and IV antibiotics. I'd recommend having her reassessed ASAP and requesting a urine culture which will tell the vet what type of bacteria are causing the problem so that they can be properly treated with the appropriate antibiotic.