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Diabetic Cat


Our family cat (male, 12 years), has today been diagnosed with diabetes. We were told a treatment course that consists of prescription foods and insulin shots, I have done a bit of research and have found numerous articles stating that dry cat food is high in Carbohydrates and this is a common cause as the cat does not feel "full" and will continuously eat and build up on the amount of carbohydrates. They also highly recommend to put your diabetic cat straight onto wet meaty high in protein low in Carbs cat food. Will this work in easing my cats condition? Will he be more comfortable? The insulin shots are expensive, $80 per vile, and the food is also. I am trying to find any other way that allows him to be comfortable and for us not to have to put him down. I do not know the symptoms exactly but lately he has lost weight, 1.5 kg of his original weight of 6.5kg, he is also drinking a lot of water. He has also begun to pull out his fur but he does not seem to be stressed, he seems very calm and content, not lazy just happy. Can you help?

Hi Victoria,

I'm sorry about the diagnosis. I do have some extremely important links for you to read. They will answer all your questions about diet, insulin, and your cat's health. I think that when you read this info you will make the decision to switch his food. And I think you will be very happy for your cat and the positive change in his health. Good luck and take care.

Ciao, Karen