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My fathers cat


My father had a very special bond with his cat. However, my father passed away and the cat is having a hard time with this. Even to the point of over grooming herself and leaving bald spots. And shes also pooping on the floor. Shes very shy and has trouble letting other people close to her. My mother has gotten a little close to her since my fathers death, but now she's going to have a knee replacement and I'm going to watch her for three weeks while my mom is in rehab recovering. Do you have any advice you can give us. Please.  

Hi Nicholas,

I'm sorry about the loss of your Dad. Animals do have bonds with people but not to the point of what is happening to the cat. I would get her to the vet for a checkup. It sounds like she may have a thyroid problem. That will cause an excessive grooming problem and the defecation outside the litter box. Have your vet check her out.
As for what to do when your Mom is away; take a shirt or something of your Father's and let the cat use it as a bed. They have very good senses of smell and this should comfort her. Good luck and let me know what happens.

Ciao, Karen