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My cats has milk but not pregnant


QUESTION: Hi! My Queen has been acting strange this morning, she is not eating only drinking, She is also looking for my attention, I'm not sure if she will have her kittens soon. I can still see Her kitten moving, Do kittens move when a queen is in early labor?

ANSWER: Diane,

Human babies have been known to move during labor. Kittens can do so as well, but since you mention the behavioral change has been happening since this morning I really think that it would be wise to take this kitty to the vet to be assessed and make sure that her labor is progressing normally. I would have expected mom to have her little ones by now if she has been in labor since this morning. If you want to take the risk of waiting and seeing what happens during the night my recommendation would be to set mom up in a quiet room, keep it dimly lit and be sure to provide food, water, litter and a comfy place for the new family to sleep in. A cardboard box lined with old towels works well, just be sure to change the bedding when it becomes soiled. If mom hasn't had her litter by tomorrow morning it would be my recommendation to take mom to the vet so that they can find out what's happening with her because it's not normal for a pregnant queen's appetite to drop off.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: My queen had her kitten. My question is I thought my other cat was also pregnant, she wasn't getting bigger , she was producing milk is this because my queen was pregnant? Why does she keep trying to nurse my queens babies? Is this ok to let her, she cries to get to them she cleans them she sleeps with my queen. my queen seems ok with this but I just would like to make sure.


Have you had the queen that the kitten belongs to evaluated by your family vet? The reason that I recommend this is because it isn't common for cats to have just one kitten and if there are other kittens live or deceased in mom's reproductive tract this can cause serious problems and there is really only a limited amount of time to deliver any live kittens before they die. As for the other cat in the household producing milk and helping to care for the kittens this isn't uncommon and it's perfectly alright to allow the girls to share in the care of the kitten.