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feline urinary infections



  I have 3 cats. 2 female and 1 male the male has been fixed. last night when i got home from work my 2 yr old female was fine but aprox 2 or 3 hours later she was acting very lethargic and when i picked her up i noticed that she had some blood around her genital area. she has not urinated that i know of nor has she ate anything that i am aware of. is there something i can do for her without taking her to the vet as i dont get paid till the 13th and i dont want her to suffer.

Hi Rhonda,
I really don't know what you can do, except to watch her and if she doesn't get any better, you will have no choice but to take her to a vet.  This doesn't sound good, and if she goes too long, she could die.  I would definetley consider borrowing some money from someone.  Sorry that I cannot help you.

God bless,