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My cat has several terrible tangles and mats all over her back. they are from her trying to bathe herself but shes sick and makes it stick together.I found her on the street. How do i get it all out?


Given the severity of the situation that you describe I would recommend that you take your cat to a vet ASAP to be treated for her illness and sedated to minimize the trauma and suffering while she is being shaved. I know that this sounds like a drastic option, but your kitty will feel so much better and her coat will grow back in over time. The nice thing about your new friend's coat growing back in is that you can gently get her used to regular groomings with brushes that are meant for the length of her coat. A long haired cat needs to be groomed for about 20 minutes each day to avoid painful mats that can cause serious skin problems. I wouldn't recommend that you try cutting the mats out on your own because there is a big risk that you may end up cutting your cat's skin. I hope that you have found this information helpful. If you have any further questions, concerns, or you would simply like to send an update or some pictures my way, please don't hesitate to contact me again.