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Fighting Abyssinians


QUESTION: We have 2 Abyssinians, both female, but different breeder- Lizzy is a Ruddy who is about 5 years old, and Allie is a Red who is about 3.  We have had them both since they were 6 weeks old.  They have never been best of friends, but have never fought like just recently.  2 nights ago, they just starting in on each other: hissing, chasing, and fighting. We have tried to keep them separated and slowly bring them back together, but it's not working.  The oldest one (Lizzy) seeks Allie out and then it all starts over again.  What should we do?

ANSWER: Nicole,

It is possible a strange cat has been hanging around the house and when one of your cats saw it, the fight/flight/fright reaction took over and one started fighting with the other.  My advice is to leave them be to sort it out between themselves.  They will eventually calm down.

I have two rules about cat inter-relationships:  (1) Humans do not understand the rules and (2) Any human interference is counterproductive and just prolongs normalization of the relationship.

So, I would just let them back together, grit my teeth and ignore any of their discussions.  They will not really hurt each other.  It may take some time for things to normalize, maybe even weeks, so you must have patience with Lizzie and Allie.

Please let me know how they do.

Best regards... Norm.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you Norm.  We let the one cat out of the room after we got your email...things went from bad to worse.  The older cat (Lizzy) went up to see Allie and then they started hissing and growling but there was no fighting just chasing.  Allie jumped up and hit the window blinds twice and then ran into the kitchen and was trying to get out of the window.  She was so scared that she actually lost control of her bowels.  She was so scared, but she wouldn't even let us near her...she ran upstairs and hid under our bed.  She has been there ever since...It's very heart we just let her be by herself for a while?


Either they will get along again or they won't. I would just leave them be and see if they start to return to normal.  Occasionally, once cats start this, they can never get along again, after which one will have to go to a new home.

I would give it some more time.  It often takes weeks or months for things to normalize.

It sounds to me as if Allie over reacted to Lizzy.  Chase is usually a normal game, which often ends up in a "fight", but, besides the hissing and posturing, there was no fighting.  If things do not normalize, you might try putting Allie in a crate and put her in the middle of a room and let Lizzy investigate.  In time, they might realize they used to be buddies.

What Lizzy and Allie are doing is, certainly, not normal cat behavior.

Please let me know how it goes.

Best regards... Norm.