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fleas , and eating weired things


Hello Jessica~
      My poor cats got fleas and i have tried alot of stuff to get rid of them. so before i buy one more thing that does not work i thought i would ask.....
      What is the best way to get rid of fleas when your cats have open scratches on there necks? ( I'm just so worried because , I cant get rid of them and they are starting to look sick )
      What does it mean when they eat cigarette ashes? ( i have to tell her "no" every day for the past week)

                Please Help
                         ~ Maria ~

Hi Maria.  My preference for treatment of fleas is Frontline Plus for cats.  It's very safe and is available at pet stores.  It's okay to apply as long as it's not right on the broken skin.

However, you say they're starting to look sick, and this could indicate they're infected.  A lot of scratches become infected with staph, a bacteria that can spread to any part of the body.  If staph spreads to the organs, it can be fatal.  So you really should have a vet look at your kitty's skin.  If it's infected, antibiotics will be necessary.  And it may be something completely unrelated to fleas.

I would ask the vet about the ashes, too.  Sometimes cats eat non-food items for no known reason.  Sometimes it's related to an illness or a dietary deficiency.  And especially since it's a sudden development, I'd be worried she's sick.  For now, try to make sure all your ashtrays are emptied immediately.