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newborn kitten concern


Hi I'm concern about a newborn kitten I found three days ago. She still had the umbilical cord attached but fell off yesterday. I noticed today she started wheezing a little and I'm concern she might be getting sick. What might be wrong and can I do something to help.

the best thing you can do for this kitten is to take them to the vets and have them checked out. new born kittens can be very vulnerable to illness especially s she won't have got or getting protection from her mother milk.

please do not delay and take her to the vets as soon as possible. if you are unable to pay for treatment then contact a animal charity for some advice.

i really do hope the kitten can be saved.

I have lots of pages about looking after kittens on my website which you may find of interest. here si the first page the other s are on the right jand menu.


best wishes Kate