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2 week old kitten who seems to have flea animia


I have a 2 week old kitten and the kitten is very weak and breaths very hard i realized that he was covered with a lot of fleas knowing that i couldn't give him a bath with medicated flea shampoo because he is to young i gave him a bath with some mild  dish detergent. I put just a pea size amount of the dish detergent and rinsed him very well. After wards I sat out in the kitchen and went over every square inch of his tiny body and picked out all the fleas that i could. I think i got all of them but i know that there were still some eggs left. Due you think that was the right thing to due getting the fleas off or do you think that there could of been another way.


There are flea shampoos that are OK for kittens, even kittens that young.  How do you know the kitten has flea anemia?  Have you had the kitten to a vet? The flea life cycle is about 2 weeks, so if you see the little newly hatched fleas, you should give the little one another bath and pick off any fleas.  If the kitten has fleas, he probably also has tapeworm!!!!!

I really think this kitten needs to see a vet!!!!!

What is this kitten eating?  At 2 weeks, he is probably not yet weaned.

Best regards... Norm.