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preemie persian kittens


We have a problem here, hoping you could help us through this. My persian cat gave birth to a batch of 4 preemie kittens, there very small and I don't think Lola has produce the milk the kittens need, anyway one kitten when we got home was still in the sack and was born dead, because we didn't get there on time to break the bag, the next day another  kitten died, and we think it was respetory. We bought a heating pad to put under the covers for the kittens and we're bottle feeding them, when they do suck for the milk, it sometimes comes out a little of their nose. Lola is aware we are helping her and she sometimes cleans the kittens, we also help by cleaning their behinds with a warm cloth, is there anything else we should know.

Hi Esperanza, You have started doing all the right things. IF the kittens are actually preemie you may have to take them away from mom and put them into an incubator to keep them going. If they are just small but are fully furred etc then you can continue on as you are right now. I am a firm believer in tube feeding rather than bottle feeding small infant kittens. You are less likely to get complications like pneumonia and formula in the lungs etc. The bit of milk that comes out the nose is quite normal and you will see this even when they are nursing off mom,,, so don't worry about that.
Also it is less tiring for the infants. They get the formula they need and then they can conserve their strength and go back to sleep. Is mom laying on the heating pad with them? If she isn't then the heating pad may be set too high. Just leave it on Low so that you don't dehydrate them and cause a new problem :)
Put it on LOW with a thick blanket over it and that is the correct temperature you need.
You can put an extra sheet or thin blanket over the top of the box to keep the warm air in and drafts out.

Keep cleaning their anal area at least every time you feed them if not more. I use a warm wet paper towel, or baby wipe,  so that they don't get sore and it can be thrown away. Talk to your vet about showing you how to tube feed. It is easier than you would think and when done right it is almost impossible to have problems. Then weigh your kittens every day to make sure they are gaining weight. It is hard to tell when you are looking at them so often.. but the scale doesn't lie.(unfortunately in my case !! )
The formula will tell you how much your kittens should be eating every day based on their weight. Make sure you do not keep mixed formula for longer than 24 hours.
Lola may still produce milk for these kittens and once they are stronger they may start nursing off her and then you will be off the hook !!
Good luck, Teresa