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my cat, should i take him to vet?


Number one question is would turkey be bad for a cat if my child dropped a piece and he ate it? Ok heres what happened I have a cat for about a month now that I got from a friend of a friend, he is 2 and is fixed and declawed.Hours after he got ahold of a piece of turkey this happened and I dont know if its related,, He yesterday began not eating and then threw up a small amount (it was white)Today he seems better but will only drink water. He also now is constantly licking his genital area and today urinated on our bed. Ive never had a cat before so im not sure what it would be and I dont know a whole lot about him either. Any advice would be appreciated , Thank you

Hi Jo!
Turkey won't hurt your cat, nor would it cause the problems you are describing.  I think you need to take him to a Vet.  Since he has been licking himself and peed on your bed, he may have a urinary tract infection. Cats normally won't do that if everything is ok.  I would take him in for a check up , just to be safe.

God Bless,