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cat no longer squats to pee


i purchased a covered litter box so litter wouldn't be kicked out of the box.  this was the worst thing i did because now my cat no longer squats to pee, she stands while peeing creating a puddle on the floor.  i resorted to buying a large plastic storage container with high sides so when she pees it hits the walls and doesn't spray outside the box.  is there a way of retraining a cat to sit and pee?  


I am afraid I cannot help you much.  Is she spayed?  If not, that would probably help.  Have you had her checked for any urinary tract problems (kidney, bladder, cystitis, etc.)?  If there is a problem, treatment may help.

BTW, there are two kinds of covered litter pans.  The kind where the cover fits OUTSIDE the base (what you have) and the kind where the cover fits both INSIDE and OUTSIDE the base, which drains into the base if they hit the walls.

Sorry I cannot be of more help, but I have never heard of retraining the cat to sit while she pees.

Best regards... Norm.