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She cries at night!


Hello! I have a 6 month old indoor, intact female who had her hind leg amputated about a week ago.  I take her to work with me where she is loved on and kept awake during the day.  While having expressed an interest in going outside (when she does "escape" she just hangs around right outside until I find her), she has recently started crying/whining at night (all night) while looking out the window and running from room to room. If it is that she wants out, should I take her for walks or would that make her desire to be outside worse/increase?


I would have your kitty examined by the vet just to be sure that her amputation is healing fine and that there is no pain resulting from it. It is in your kitty's best interests to be kept indoors, she is not able to get away from dangerous situations or predators as quickly as she used to be able to, not to mention that she may fall victim to humans, dogs or other predators intent on hurting or killing her. It sounds like she has had at least one bad break so far, keep her indoors and safe so that she doesn't get hurt again. The interest in going outdoors could be remedied by spaying her, talk to your vet and see when he/she feels that kitty will have recovered enough from the amputation to undergo sterilization surgery. When she is spayed she will have less interest in wandering, so that should solve your problem. The other thing that you can do is to try to make sure that your baby isn't bored, there are many good toys and even Cat Sitter dvds that will stimulate and entertain her safely indoors. You could also try putting a bird feeder outside her favorite window so that she has all the entertainment and comfort that she needs right in her own home. Let me know how your little one progresses, I would be interested in knowing how she does. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me again.