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death of kittens


this morning i woke up to find 2 of my 4 kittens had died. the kittnes were 4 weeks old and seemed to be fine 12 hours prior. well tonight a 3rd died and i'm so confused why they are dying. the mother is still around and has been feeding them and they were in a room to where they wouldn't be bothered. do you have any idea what this could be and if i could prevent the 4th kitten from dying? thank you so very much.

Hi Crystal,

I'm sorry for the loss. The number one reason for kittens to die is that they get cold. They do not produce a lot of heat. Put the one that's left in a nest made from a towel or blanket on a heating pad set to low. Make sure this isn't one of the auto shut off types. Make sure the heating pad doesn't cover the whole nest area. You need an area where there is no heating pad on so the kitten can crawl off if it gets too hot. Make sure the mom can access it easily. Keep an eye on the kitten and mom. Mom may now neglect the kitten. If she does you have to take over. Write back to me if she does and I will tell you what you need to do. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen