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male cat and new kittens


I have a female cat about to give birth and i also have a male cat 7 months old, my question is should i separate the cats when kittens are born, for i have heard that the male will attack kittens?

well there are lots of stories of kittens being attacked by other cats in the home especially male cats but most of the time this is just myth or caused by an accident which is brought on when the mother cats goes into a false heat (this does not always happen) and causes the male cat to try and mate with her. When she tells him where to go he gets frustrated and tries to mate with the kittens, which is impossible and can sometime result in accidental strangulation.

So after all that the answer would be to keep the male cat away fro the few few days to allow the mother cat to bond with her kittens, then you could do some supervised short visits with your male kitten to allow all of them to get to know each other. the visits can be increased slowly over the next few weeks.

best wishes Kate