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my kitten going into season and it affecting my other cats


my 5 months old kitten has just gone into season as i noticed but i have two other cats but one of them has started urinating in corners and the bath etc does this have anything to do with the kitten lauren going into season as dolce never got the chance to as she was dressed as soon as she was 6 months plz if u could help me out with this situation


It is time to spay your female.  5 Months is NOT too young.  This will help your other cats and keep everyone from getting so agitated.

If someone has urinated in the wrong place, you need to get an enzyme based cleaner specifically for pet odors and pet stains.  Also, in the room where they are the worst, you might try a Feliway diffuser.  Both the cleaner and diffuser are available from most pet supermarkets.

I am also including a link to an excellent article on feline house soiling:

Best regards... Norm.