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New home for cat


We recently brought into our home a 2yr old female cat. She was described to us as being very shy. She tends to hide in tight places (between the wall and the fridge, aprox 6in wide) and hasn't touched her food/water bowl or used the litter box since the move. I'm worried she's overwhelmed, but is all this normal? I want to give her, her space but when she didn't touch her food and water at all in the first 24 hrs I began to try to familiarize her to me. It seems to have worked, she growls until I begin to pet her at which time she stops and at times enjoys the affection, but then I leave her alone and the cycle starts again. This is a first for me, so let me know what I can do differently or what I need to do.

Thank you!


Cats are very territorial.  When you change homes, they have a great deal of adjusting to do.  It sounds to me as if your approach is the right approach.  She just needs lots of time to adjust.  Her reaction is normal.  She may adjust in days or it may take weeks.  Every cat is different.

Best regards... Norm