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my cat and eating everything


My cat eats non stop.  when we have dinner she is doing everything possible to get the food off our plates, if we leave brownies on the counter with a cover on it she will try and eat through the plastic to get to them; at times she does succeed, opening the refrigerator she gets in to get any food, if we are having snacks she tries to get at that.  She's a little devil when it comes to food.  She gets her soft food in the morning with our other cat but inhales her's and then eats all of Dora's food.  They have their dry food that is there for them when ever they want to eat.  It's getting to a point where Dora thinks she can do the same thing.  We do use the spray botlle and that helps but at night or when we aren't home it's a whole other situation.  We are at the end of the rope with her.  Why does she do this?  we thought it was because she was the runt of the litter and may have been taken away to early.  Please help me with this situation.  Thank you- Kristye

Hi Kristye,

Do you leave dry food out? If you don't I would definitely do that. I would also change the type of food you are using to a high quality cat food. Something like Wellness, Evo, or Innova all are good choices. They pack more nutrition in their foods. Your cat gets more of what they need and will eat less. If you make the changeover, do it gradually or they will have diarrhea.

If she is begging by your face then blow in hers. Cats don't like that. The last thing I would do is take her to your vet to get her checked. She may have something wrong with her. Bring a sample of her stool. It could be something as simple as tapeworms. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen