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My cat is signifigintly overweight. I don't know what to do about
it. He is becoming less and less active and eating more and
more. We tried cutting down on food but he still seems to be
getting bigger. Do you have any tips to make my cat healthy and
active again?

Thanks a lot, GBT

I had a Fat Cat that weighed 18 lbs! My one vet suggested giving him a tablespoon of dry food in the morning, and a can of wet food at night. He got down to 16 lbs which is a significant difference for a cat..It was very difficult
because he was lazy. If you like just dry food..I like Purina One Weight Management formula and I think it says on the bag how much to feed for weight loss.

You may want to talk to your vet about putting him on a prescription weight loss diet since you've tried to reduce his food already.  
Also..I would definately get him in for blood work.
You are cutting back his food but he keeps getting fatter... he may have an underactive thyroid (I do!) which
makes weight loss next to impossible if not on medication for it.
If he gets a clean bill of could see if he will tolerate a harness and take him outside to walk around
(I don't like cats to be outside unsupervised - they can easily get run over by a car, etc)  you must use a harness tho if you just use a collar he may be able to slip out of it
Try to come up with creative ways to increase his activity
level. Hide some treats in different areas of the house so
he has to "hunt" for them. Get some interactive toys
and play WITH him 10 mins, 3 times a day -- it will also
strengthen the bond between you.  Make the movements with a toy like a mouse or a bird so he will chase it and satisfy his hunting instinct.  Anyway there are gobs of toys out there but he may not play with them unless you
take the time I mentioned to play with him  
 Again, take him to the vet first to rule out those other things
Thanks for the question!