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Kitten/adolescent vs. Adult??


Hello I was wondering if a cat undergoes a major change from kitten/teenager to adult?? Alot of timss I notice that older cats are more solid and filled out and younger cats are more leggy and hyper!! I also heard that their meows change aswell!! And that their minds change and they become more affectionate and lovable!! Is this true and if so at what age does this change occur??

Hi James,

Just as humans undergo physical and behavioral changes at certain ages, so do cats. Each individual cats ages at a different pace, like a human as well. A cat's voice makes slow changes as it matures over time but will make definite changes around 8 weeks and again around puberty, typically in the area of 6 months. The body also fills out slowly.

A kitten is born with fine hair that becomes downy and fuzzy until around 12 weeks old. It then goes through a shed and grows in its adult coat, which is shinier and sleeker and usually lies closer to the body.

As kittens approach 6-9 months old, they are reaching their "teens", and you will notice that their bodies are usually long, lean and muscular. They are generally in top shape and still maintain a very active kittenhood imagination, curiosity and activity level.

Around a year old, most cats have reached their full size skeletally, but they may continue to fill out with muscle mass (and if we're not careful with their feeding, fat as well). Cats will also begin to calm down shortly and show more affection around this age. Physically and mentally, they are equivalent to about a 21-year-old, in the opinions of many professionals.

Hope that helps!
