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My cats neck


I have a seven year old short haired domestic male cat. For about a month now ive noticed that he has scabs around his neck and is now missing fur in those areas. It seems to be getting a little worse. I have noticed that giving him wet food does clear it up a little. I know i need to bring him to the vet but not sure if it dangerous or not  any info would help thanks Jess


I am not a vet and skin problems can occur for a myriad of reasons. Until you know what is going on you do not know how severe the problem may be.  If it is not clearing up on its own after a few days, which it clearly is not, you need to get the cat to a vet immediately.

He is also at an age where, for no good reason he could have developed a food allergy.  He could have developed an allergy to something in the environment.  There could be some kind of mites causing the problems and so on.  This is why it is necessary to get to the vet to get to the root of the problem and get it resolved.

Best regards... Norm.