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My pregnant cat is wanting to breed again.


Hi I just found out my sphynx is pregnant, yesterday. She got pregnant at the vet office where she boarded for 2 days six weeks ago. Yeah I know, great vet. Will not use them again. Anyways, she's 6 weeks along with kittens. And my new sphynx I got this week before I found out about the pregnancy, he's mating with her. The vet confirmed the pregnancy and she's definitely pregnant. But now she has clear white liquid coming out of her vagina. And she's wanting to mate with my male cat. And there's evidence that they've been mating. Is this normal? Should I be concerned? How is she in heat and pregnant at 6 weeks? Or does she just want to mate while she's pregnant? I'm so confused!! Or does this mean she's miscarried and is in hea again? Please help! I'm soo very confused!


Wow, yes, I have heard of this happening, but it is uncommon.  In answer to your question, if she is, indeed pregnant, by 6 weeks, the vet (a different one, of course), should be able to palpate to see if there are any kittens.  They can x-ray to see if there are any kittens, they can ultrasound to pick up kitten heartbeats.

So, it is possible she reabsorbed her litter and came back into heat.  BY 6 weeks, she really ought to be showing that she is carrying kittens.

If you want kittens out of her in a more controlled way, you are going to have to keep her separated from your male.  If you do not want kittens, she will need to be spayed.

I am afraid, to be sure, you will have to have a vet appointment.

My guess, is that she is no longer pregnant which is why she came back into heat.

Please let me know what you find out.

Best regards... Norm.