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excessive hairloss


My cat is about six years old and was neutered recently. He was not sooner b/c he was the only cat, but a few months ago my boyfriend and I adopted younger brother and sister cats. He had been spraying before the neuter, but still occasionally urinates in corners, which I thought would be relieved by the neuter. I have noticed the hair loss recently. The vet said that it was probably fleas, but he is on a medicine for fleas, and the hair loss is becoming more prominent, on his hind legs and thigh. He has some around his neck, that i suspect is from his collar. I have done some research, but am not finding any specific answers...can you help me? Thank you :)

 Concerned mother

Hi Concerned Mom,
Well if you cat DID have fleas then this can  be a residual allergic reaction to the flea bites. Some animals are very sensitive to them and will itch and bite and scratch their hair out long after the flea or fleas are gone... so this is a possibility.
Since you mentioned that he was recently neutered I would suspect that is somewhat responsible for his hair loss. If he is NOT itching and if the areas are not red and irritated then he could be suffering hair loss just because of the surgery and anesthetic. Some animals also lose hair because of hormone changes. Usually this is seen in female cats but I don't imagine it is unusual in male cats to suffer from the same thing. Has anything else changed in his life?? food change?/ new carpeting? etc. Was he losing the hair before the surgery or after? Could he be pulling it out as a result of stress from the new kittens in the home?
There are so many possibilities. and regarding the urine. If he was 6 when he was neutered he may never change his habits. He has been marking with urine for so long that is it not going to be easy to stop.. but do give him some more time and see what happens before giving up ! Teresa