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Kittens and Cat Litter


My 4 1/2 week old kittens are eating the cat sand!!! This is the first time I have ever seen this behavior and I do not have any idea what to do about it. Mama's box is in the bathroom and of course I am trying to introduce them as well. But two out of the three babies seem to prefer to nibble on the cat sand rather than the kitten food. This seems like it could be bad for them and I don't know why and what to do about it. I cannot separate them from the area as I have a really small place. Any suggestions???

Hi Tammy.  That is odd, but if the kittens are only 4 1/2 weeks old, they shouldn't be on solid food just yet.  I'd wait for another week or so before introducing solids (canned kitten food) to them.  

As for litter, use shredded newspapers for a little while, over top of a biodegradable garbage bag and see if that stops the eating of the litter.  Yuck.

Good luck!